#Korean-Manhwa Scanlation Group | home | projects: active :: future :: other | faq | staff | links | admin

Join Us!!!
It would be great if you could help us out, so we could do more releases. ^_~ At the moment, the following are what we need.

EDITOR (Updated October 5, 2007)
Description: Familiar with Photoshop and willing to work on ALL k-m projects. Access to irc helpful. Please download the edit test here. Instructions for completing the test are contained in the zip file. (See 'Must_Read_Me_v5.rtf').  Experience of manga/manhwa image editing is preferable.  

For Photoshop users who don't have manga editing experience (newbies):
MUST review (and understand) the following manga editing guidelines/tutorials:

- The Idiot's Guide to Editing Manga

- Don't Hurt's Manga Editing Guide

Newbies will start as cleaners.  GIMP users can apply for cleaners.
Note: Some of past new applicants quit after their first project because they underestimated the editing time. Apply only if you are serious and can commit at least 7 hours (approx.) of your free time per week for editing.

TRANSLATORS (Korean to English) :: UPDATED = 03.28.2010 ::
You could download the test here.

Love Comic HQ Raws